Our friend, Ian Cuming, from Beenak Farm dropped a ute load of his kiwi off at the warehouse this week. I first met Ian about 10 years ago when he was teaching a biodynamic farming course at CERES. With his gentle ways and deep knowledge of BD farming he was a much loved teacher. And you just have to look at the beautiful moose jumper he’s wearing in the photo above to know he’s the definition of a genial human being.
Ian was telling me about the wwoofers he has at his farm at the moment. No, they’re not a kind of kiwifruit seeking canine, they’re people, often young backpackers, who trade 4-6 hours work a day for room and board and the chance to be involved in the daily life of a farm. Ian’s wwoofers (wwoof stands for willing workers on organic farms) are currently helping him harvest this year’s 10 ton kiwifruit crop. Read more …