Step 2. Order for 4 CONSECUTIVE WEEKS (Orders need to be $30 or more)
Step 3 Activate the challenge by entering the code BETTERGUT in the promo box with your FIRST order
Do this and we’ll deliver with your 4th order these two powerful probiotic products; a 250gm bottle of Pat’s Veg and a bottle of Dr Chan’s Tibicos.
So how do you get your microbiome back into shape? The Gut Guardians, Dr Grace Lieu and Matt Pepin, advise people to eat repopulate your guts with a variety of probiotic foods like yoghurt, miso, sauerkraut, kim chi, kefir and kombucha and then keep them fed with lots of different vegetables, nuts and other high fibre unprocessed foods – more variety the better. They also reckon hanging out with animals exposes you to a whole range of beneficial bacteria (apparently organic animal farmers are one of the few groups to have really healthy guts) So pat your dog, chicken, cat, horse, pig, sheep or cow. Exercising in clean natural environments will also get you in contact with good bacteria: get in your hands dirty gardening, bush walk, swim in clean, natural water bodies (i.e. not the Yarra after a storm), walk barefoot in the park (maybe not Edinburgh Gardens – ouch!) and avoid all those anti-bacterial products or you could put yourself back to square one.
Just a note: Remember Fair Food is an organic home delivery service so don’t take this as medical advice, it’s just grist for your microbiomic mill – if you want to get into this find a symapthetic gut professional.