Weekly Update: Welcome Back Farmers & Goodbye Mary!
He’s a month later than usual but it’s so good to see Kane from Busch Organics back this year delivering his summer corn, beans, purple and orange carrots to the Fair Food warehouse. It’s also great to have apples back from Hazeldean Forest Farm. Madeline’s garlic from Blue Sky Organics, Joe Valente’s cherry tomatoes and […]
Readers' Digestible #23 Pud-Puds!
Our last Readers’ Digestible for the year, includes a special Aussie Bushfood Xmas Pudding Recipe! Thanks for all your support this year and enjoy your festive fair food feasting!!!!
Readers' Digestibles #22 Tomatoes!
Like a fiery foghorn, there is no fruit-disguised-as-a-vegetable that screams summertime quite like a tomato… Read on…
Readers' Digestibles #21 Nectar Fruit of the Gods
Welcome fair foodsters to some of the first summer fruit pickings of the season, as sweet and as satisfying as the nectar of the gods… nectarines!
Readers' Digestibles #12 Celeryuck?
You get home and open your box to find a foreign life form you’ve never seen before… Read more…
Readers' Digestibles #13 Braise a Brolli
Winter is drawing to a close and the temperature is slowly inching upwards, one degree at a time. If you’re a strictly seasonal eater, your palate might be getting a bit ‘over’ root veg and citrus by now… Read more…