Is this what we’re doing now? / And when she whispered dandelions…..

Is this what we’re doing now? Iva from The Asylum Seeker Resource Centre Food Bank called the other day – they need our help. So many more people are coming every week to the ASRC Food Bank for meals and groceries that they’re running out of food regularly. You might remember last year the government changed the rules […]
CERES’ Appeal / Manager’s Log / Good Gut is Go!

CERES’ Appeal CERES is more idea than place; an idea planted on top of an old rubbish tip amidst birds, trees and gardens. An idea built out of things that were thrown away. An idea that there’s something half-remembered in the earth and air and water that we need to know again. CERES is such a multifarious conglomeration of […]
Beautiful Darkness / New Food Hosts / Closed Monday

Beautiful Darkness When I’ve watched one too many “What’s Trump done now” stories, listened to another Fortune 500 CEO crying like a baby bird for a tax break or seen that Facebook post about there being more plastic soy sauce fishes in the ocean than actual fish, I can become susceptible to a bit of […]
With One Bean / The importance of getting to know sunflowers

With One Bean I didn’t know that it’s faster to take a plane from Darwin to Dili than it is to fly from Melbourne to Sydney. However, standard of living-wise, education-wise, just about everything-else-wise between our countries is as about far apart as you could imagine. It’s easy to forget that less than 20 […]
The Regathering / Holiday Provisioning Strategies

The Regathering In the beginning, or as far back as we can fathom, a functioning hunter-gatherer unit consisted of around 30-50 highly interdependent people with an intimate material and spiritual relationship with the plants and animals in the waters and landscape they came from. Today the smallest functioning post-industrial human family unit is one person […]
It’s cold this week / Joe’s Farm Gate

It’s cold this week It’s been a cold week in Victoria. On Tuesday The Age reported it was the coldest June day in 25 years and as is custom at Fair Food during the coldest part of the year we acknowledge our farmers frozen fingers and chilled extremities. Early this morning over in the Schulz Organic […]