Get reciprocal
At this year’s Harvest Festival as the passata makers wiped the last sauce spatters away, Rosa Voto and musicians, Sancori, took centre stage to perform Stories of Harvest from Southern Italy to a gathering of harvest revellers primed to let loose.
The path to vegetable enlightenment
My own failed veg box experience was years of composting the limp beetroot and yellowing cabbage my family didn’t eat and feeling a kind of “veg box shame”.
The thing about boxes
Every time we see a box come in it brings us joy and every time it goes out it again it spreads a little hope.
Finding form
This coming Saturday the 26th March join us at the CERES Harvest Day – celebrate CERES fortieth birthday and give thanks to the good Earth, our farmers and the cycle of the seasons.
Home for Harvest
Harvest is CERES’ Thanksgiving – we give thanks to the good Earth, the farmers, the bakers, the makers and the cooks but above all we do it by coming together to celebrate!
Every time something is given and received it’s like a delicate thread is strung between us. Repeat it enough times over the years and we make a kind of community macrame creation that holds us together.