Wood Savings
The storm that tore through Victoria a week and a half ago brought down so many mature trees that Hayden Cronin, Fair Wood’s manager, has been inundated by emails asking for help – including one from a landholder in Newbury who had lost more than 100 trees.
Won’t be the same
On Thursday Fair Food grocery orders were delivered to our Food Host pick-up points for the last time. A huge thank you to all our incredible hosts who have given their time and shared their verandahs with us over the last eleven years!
Social Enterprising
On July 1st, eleven years ago at our old warehouse in Beavers Road Northcote, Fair Food received its very first order.
Slow rise
Years later, unaware of the history that came before him, Alex Iordanov found himself working in the kitchen of the CERES Grocery Cafe and dreaming about starting a little bakery in the Grocery kitchen.
Growth rings
Like Baltic pine there are lots of other native timbers we use every day but don’t talk about – Merbau from South East Asian rain forests, Cumaru from South American jungles, even our own old growth Mountain Ash.
Full circle
Late Wednesday night a text comes through from CERES farm manager, Meg Stewart, there’s a fire at CERES. Another follows with a photo taken from Blythe Street showing an ominous glow through the trees.