Dot and Nev’s dahlias

Like Claire from Cherry Road, Dot and Nev only have a small farm so dahlia bunches will be limited to Saturday deliveries only – set your delivery day to Saturday and they appear in stock.
Get reciprocal

At this year’s Harvest Festival as the passata makers wiped the last sauce spatters away, Rosa Voto and musicians, Sancori, took centre stage to perform Stories of Harvest from Southern Italy to a gathering of harvest revellers primed to let loose.
The path to vegetable enlightenment

My own failed veg box experience was years of composting the limp beetroot and yellowing cabbage my family didn’t eat and feeling a kind of “veg box shame”.
The great revealing

Like the fires and the pandemic before it the aftermath of the flood reveals all kinds of truths about our climate, our governments, our communities and each other.
Electric Organic Grocery Delivery

CORENA*’s revolving fund works by providing interest-free loans to not-for-profit organisations to invest in things like solar panels, batteries and electric vehicles.
(*Citizens Own Renewable Energy Network Australia)
Work with us

This month we’re hiring a new customer service person! Read on for more about our team, our values, and of course the PD.