If we decide to…

What really matters is that all across our community we come together to help and care for each other and our country.
The healing process

The challenge for people after the fires”, she points out, “is going to be the ongoing trauma. After all the initial attention fades people will feel forgotten – that’s why we need to keep coming together to heal.”
Open hearts

On Thursday afternoon the cars began arriving at Christine and Chris Watts’ Paynesville farm. All of us have been drawn here by the desire to help out after the fires.
The power of We

Working together, taking the climate-grief we’re suffering as individuals and turning it into collective action.
Vollies, momo’s and a Permapixie / Organic farmer bushfire appeal

Farming together in the city and an appeal to support fire affected farmers
Another kind of sugar / Urban Farmer dream job

Another kind of sugar When I was seven years old growing up in rural New Zealand my mum flew to Brisbane to help my uncle Jeff, whose Gold Coast nursery business was going down the gurgler. In those days getting on a plane was a really big thing. We drove Mum up to Auckland airport […]