It’s crunch time – one week to go before our
Rewiring the food system campaign ends.
One more week to buy the new software that will give more people access to Fair Food and by
doing so will give more farmers fair prices, give more asylum seekers jobs and fund more education programs at CERES. 180 people have given $17,500, so it’s only $7,500 to get to our tipping point of $25,000 to make it happen. The scary thing is that If we don’t make the tipping point all donations are returned and we’re back to scratch.
Rewiring our website is crucial because it solves the problems you, our customers, have shared with us about your shopping experience with Fair Food. It’s the project that gives you the power to swap items out of your set fruit & veggie boxes that you don’t like and don’t use for the things you do want. It gives you the power to have delivery the day after you order, to be able to shop by recipe and lots more. It’s the project that will make buying Fair Food doable for so many more of the 300 people a month who try Fair Food and leave because we just don’t fit with each other’s ways of doing things. And most importantly it’s reclaiming all the lost opportunities to build a better food system that those people represent.
Asking you to help fund this project is a peculiarly democratic way of doing things. Because now the decision is in your hands; you have the chance to help shape your food system and like the Onceler says in The Lorax, “Nothing will change unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”So, if you believe that farmers and grocery makers shouldn’t be forced to the bread-line by Coles and Woolworths.If you believe that asylum seekers shouldn’t treated as “illegals” but welcomed as human beings who can contribute to to our community.If you believe that people can help build community by something as simple as sharing their verandahs for others to pick up their groceries from.
If you believe that the profits from your grocery shopping should help teach children to care for their environment.And if you believe that ethical, fair food should be available and easy to buy for as many people in Melbourne as possible.Then it’s time to put your money where your mouth is – literally.This is our last week to get over that $25,000 finish line and do this. Let’s make it happen together.
This is the campaign website –