Work with us
People tend to stay at Fair Food – Jesse, Hema, Nola, Mo, Joshua, Liz, Isabelle, Shell, Aki, Nikki, Mala – these familiar names have been turning up at the Fair Food warehouse for anything between five and twelve years.
For many it’s the longest we’ve worked anywhere.
Why is this – grocery delivery isn’t super glamorous work?
When I think back when we started none of us had a background in packing groceries, logistics or ecommerce.
But along the way we discovered that what we thought was important like the conveyors, the coolrooms, the pallet racks, the forklifts, the trucks and vans were necessary but weren’t really “it”.
Same went for having benchmarks and productivity KPI’s for orders that could be packed or delivered in a shift.
For years we sort of mimicked “professional ecommerce enterprises” until we finally realised why people wanted to stay at Fair Food.
It came down to two simple questions;
Do you understand your role and what’s expected of you?
Do you feel like you belong here?
The questions could be addressed to anyone, no matter what they did, at anytime and they would work again and again.
From this realisation, production manager, Nola Pollard, created the Department of Human Infrastructure – btw we don’t have any other departments at Fair Food, Nola just thought it should have an important sounding name.
The DHI operates on a philosophy that things like productivity are just outcomes of how clear a person is about their role and how deeply they feel they belong.
The first question lead to one of the Nola’s catchcries, “Clarity is kindness”, reflected in the way people are welcomed, trained and brought into our group.
The second question has lead to shared lunches, yoga sessions, dress ups, dance-offs, murals painted by Fair Food artists and live music on the packing floor, but maybe most importantly has been, promoting people from within
Today this means that if you start work at Fair Food, no matter where you come from or who you are, at least one of your managers will look or feel the way you do.
This month we’re hiring a new customer service person – if the way we work sounds like the way you work you can find the PD here.

Flowers are back
Fair Food’s flower finder, Isabelle Fouard, just sent a late message through….
….She says “This Tuesday we have Charlotte from Farmraiser’s sunflower bunches for delivery and for Thursday, Friday and Saturday we’ve got Thanisa at Wattle Gully’s beautiful mixed bouquets.”
You can find Charlotte and Thanisa’s flowers here – and a little heads up – the flowers may look out-of-stock but if you set your shopping cart to the delivery day they’re available they will magically appear.

First we eat
First We Eat premieres at this year’s Transitions Film Festival.
The film goes like this – Suzanne Crocker is dismayed when she realises almost all of her food is shipped, trucked or flown into her Alaskan town of Dawson.
She decides to see if her family can survive solely on food sourced in her local area for a whole year?
In an attempt to put food sovereignty to the test Suzanne, her reluctant husband and three sceptical teenagers, eat only food that has been hunted, fished, gathered, or grown around Dawson.
Full of family tension, community and all so beautifully filmed in far north America, First We Eat is screening online at the Transitions Film Festival from Feb 18 – March 13, here’s the trailer.
Booking are here and thanks to TFF we’re giving away tickets to First We Eat!
Just enter the code FIRSTCERES on the Transitions Film Festival website by Friday, Feb 11th and you’ll be in the draw.
Have a great week