We are getting our logistics and website ready at Fair Food to begin selling meat.  Eating meat is a big deal; as a kid I’ll always remember the quiet, slightly regretful mood that came over my dad and uncles when they home-killed a sheep.  The same feeling was cemented in me when I worked as an 18 year old in an abattoir.  Growing up connected to the process of raising and slaughtering  farm animals has made me to want to know where my meat comes from, how it’s raised and how it’s killed.  Eating meat is a big deal.

In the last couple of years I’ve been buying organic meat with a syndicate of eight families from Shane Blundy, the owner of Cherry Tree Organics (that’s Shane on his farm in the pic above). We buy from Shane because he farms a small herd which means he can pay attention to his stock and the land that sustains them.  Shane also takes a lot of care to ensure the trip to the Gippsland abattoir is made in low stress compartments with ample room and a minimum noise to ensure his animals remain as calm and relaxed as possible.

Shane has supplied CERES Market and Grocery with meat for many years (see the video we made with Shane here) and we think he’s the right farmer to supply Fair Food customers as well.  We’re working out the range, the prices and logistics right now and will let you know when we begin.  

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