Last week  Dori from Tamil Feasts gave us a couple of feast double passes to give away for the two most inspiring and hopeful food photos.  The picture above with the rhubarb about to be fermented is from the first of our winners, Elizabeth Long. Here’s Elizabeth’s story…..

“On a visit to my mother’s house today I told her about about my adventures with vegetable fermentation, and the particular success I have had with fermenting rhubarb – delicious in salad sandwiches!

My mother then told me a friend of hers was having some tummy trouble, so eating a lot of fermented foods – but she was buying her ferments, not making them herself. So we harvested Mum’s rhubarb and I am now preparing a batch for her and her friend – I hope they (and their biota) enjoy it as much as I do!”

I’ve never thought about fermenting rhubarb before and now I’m intrigued, I hope you can share your recipe with us as well Elizabeth.  Our second favourite photo, a blossoming cook after my own heart, came from  Debra Rose…

“This is teaching my daughter how to cook from ‘scratch’ including paratha….with a funny cheeky attitude. She’s a bit of a ‘clown’ which makes for interesting times! 

My hope is that she keeps loving engaging with food… knowing where it comes from and exploring all kinds.  I think it’s really important to share that message of cooking with our kids. Doesn’t have to be MasterChef style… just cook I say.” 

Thanks to everybody who sent in their photos of preserving, their gardens and their food-loving families. And thanks to Tamil Feasts, congratulations on your new home at CERES’ Merri Table Cafe.



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