CERES Aquaponics Organic Urban Farming

Do you have what it takes to run a small hi-tec urban aquaponics farm as a professional farmer growing high value crops and selling them direct to niche markets and through CERES’ veggie box system?

We’re looking for a super motivated and entrepreneurial urban farmer to run our aquaponic system as part of our Food Hubs urban farming research project.

The Project: we give you our established commercial aquaponics system – as an independent grower you run the farm exploring the system’s productive potential and helping us document what yields are possible. We support you with training, mentorship and a guaranteed market for produce.

This is a unique opportunity to find out if you have what it takes to become a real urban farmer

The project is an immediate start and due to the regular management that is required, it’ll best suit someone who lives local to CERES.

Interested – contact Chris at chris@ceres.org.au


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One Comment

  1. Hi,

    this sounds like a great opportunity.
    How big is your aquaponic system? and what do you do with the fish? do you also sell them?
