Brussel Sprouts and Almonds

Sweet, salty and buttery Brussel Sprouts and Almonds, if you’re not a fan of Brussel Sprouts, this dish will convert you to these mini cabbage wonders.
Tofu peanut satay

Grab some fresh peanuts and transform your veggie box basics in to a coconut satay sensation.
Crispy baked hashbrowns

I see your autumn mornings and I raise you vegan hashbrowns baked til delicious.
Big Breakfast: Homemade Hash Browns & Lime Butter Mushrooms

A Big Breakfast with Hash Browns & Lime Butter Shrooms will get you through wayward potatoes.
Soy & Sesame Red Cabbage and Snow Pea Salad

A great Asian springtime salad, easily made vegan and gluten free, or into a main meal.
Orange & Almond Polenta Cake

Poach whole oranges in a saucepan of boiling water for 40 mins or until soft. Peel the skin off one poached orange but keep the inside ‘pith.’ Use a food processor to blend the peeled orange & the whole orange to a pulp. Then add the cup of mixed nuts, orange blossom water & almond […]