Broad Bean Burgers

Fresh broad beans take a little time to prepare, but they are definitely worth the extra effort. Packed with protein, these burgers make a beautiful, tasty but light lunch on a warm Spring day, keeping you going without weighing you down.
Spring Garlic Aioli with Aspargus Dippers

Giving an old favourite a fresh springtime twist, spring garlic aioli has a little more bite, complimenting the more dulcet tones of asparagus.
Braised Garlic Chinese Brocolli (Gai Lan)

We have just the mustard green to give your taste buds a late-winter shakeup. Chinese Broccoli (aka: Gai Lan) is an Asian stir-fry vegetable that holds its integrity under pressure.
Spicy Roasted Pumpkin Soup with pumpkin seeds

Preheat oven to 190˚C. Peel, clean out & cut pumpkin into pieces. Place with unpeeled garlic cloves on a baking tray & toss to coat with a drizzle of olive oil. Bake until soft, removing garlic after 20 mins so it doesn’t burn Fry onion, leek and spices in a large pot over medium heat […]
Kale Chips

A snappy, healthy, salt-lick of a snack made with one of nature’s superfoods, kale.
Takuan (pickled daikon)

Radishes, like all veggies, keep well in the refrigerator if they are placed in a sealed container or bag to maintain high humidity. For this recipe, however, you want to accomplish the opposite effect. Unlike a brine pickling process, the traditional recipe for Takuan (pickled daikon) uses what you might call a dry pickling technique. […]