How Now Dairy – Cow-centred farming/ Love Stories and Dedications

How Now Dairy – Cow-centred farming Cathy Palmer and Les Sandles are doing something at their Wunghnu dairy farm, their industry said couldn’t be done. They’re milking cows while keeping the calves with their mothers. It sounds pretty simple but it goes directly against dairy farming orthodoxy and is shaking people’s ideas up about what’s possible when comes to […]
In the shed putting eggs in boxes / Robyn Clayfield – coming to CERES

In the shed putting eggs in boxes Being a farmer can be a very Instagramable profession, but this pic is actually what a lot of farming looks like – you in a shed, at a desk, packing eggs into boxes. There’s also the pic of you in the van bringing eggs to drop around town, the […]
A team definitely worth following / Happy soil = happy life

A team definitely worth following About a year ago I wrote about, CERES Education Group Manager, Lorna Pettifer, being selected for The Premiers Sustainability Award for Education. Over the weekend Lorna’s work was recognised again becoming Environment Education Victoria’s Environmental & Sustainability Educator of the Year – (that’s Lorna on the left with Karen Jones from Port Phillip Ecocentre). Now […]
No time not to use the regular plates / Farm seeks a farmer

No time not to use the regular plates On Friday I went with my sons and several thousand other Victorian children to the steps of the Treasury Museum for the Students Strike For Climate Change. From a respectful (non-embarrassing) distance it was thrilling to watch the crowd of young faces welcoming waves of […]
Diet for a new climate / New food host in Yarraville

Diet for a new climate Two years ago one of my oldest friends turned 50 and, like his dad before him, promptly had a massive heart-attack. His recovery included embracing a plant-based diet, about which he’s posted on his Facebook page with the fervour of a man literally born-again. I love butter; it makes most things in […]
Get a feast sized delivery on Christmas eve!

We’re have a short break for 2 weeks but will be back Jan 7 to keep your Summer grocery supplies (and all the peaches) fully stocked! ps. The calendar is working in your favour this year … get (very) Last minute, ethical gifts and festive groceries delivered to your door on december 24!