Lately, everything we’ve been missing over winter and spring seems to be announcing itself to the season; check out CERESfarmer, Katherine’s, shiny basil crop above, Labertouche’s cherry tomatoes are arriving next week, Craig and Shelley Heppell will be dropping off their new zucchinis at the warehouse tomorrow and there’ll be cherries, yes cherries, in almost all of our set boxes (they’re also available in the Fruit & Veg section of the webstore).
The word is out that there might be a bumper cherry crop this year.  I write this in a whisper because you never want to say for sure about these things, especially with cherries. If there’s one crop that seems to be able to attract a last minute catastrophic hail storm then cherries are it.  Cherry growers (possibly the most resilient human beings alive) rely on average one good crop out of four to make a living – can you imagine trying to get by on one pay day out of four?   So far however, signs are looking good for cherry farmers as well as buyers with lots of fruit being harvested and prices starting to come down from their usual stratospheric opening season levels.And speaking of stone fruit, nectarines, peaches and apricots are also all available, although news isn’t so great for the apricot crop this year. With apricots, you can however, virtually extend the season by employing mindful eating techniques – which, I’m also told, is something that works for people like myself who eat too fast.  Anyway enjoy the cherries.

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