Weekly Update: Thanks for Sticking With Us
A LITTLE SOMETHING TO SAY A BIG THANKS It’s our last full week of the year – remember next week we’re only open for Tuesday Food Host deliveries. We’ve eaten our way through another year and every week there’s now over 900 of us buying our food together. When 900 of us pool our shopping […]
Weekly Update: Imagine You’re an Apple
You’ve made the journey from bud to blossom to fruit along the way dodging apple scab, canker, brown rot, codling moth, hail storms and possums. You’ve passed muster with the fruit graders, made it onto the shelves and into the shopping basket. Only, at the last hurdle… read on….
Weekly Update: New Nude Onions
You may have already noticed a few ratty looking onions rolling around the bottom of your box in the last couple weeks. These onions may make you weep a little more than usual, as you take a moment to lament their affliction. But this is not some tragic bout of Allium leprosy… read on…
Weekly Update: Goodbye to a much loved friend of CERES
There was only one Peter Auty and very sadly he has left us. Pete Auty, who was the CERES Organic Farm’s lead trainer, died earlier this month from pancreatic cancer. Read the full story
Join us on the CERES Farm for Fair Food Week
Last chance to book for our morning on the CERES Farm this Saturday. Only 10 tickets left and bookings close tomorrow night (Thurs 22 Aug) at 11:59pm. Click here for more details.
Weekly Update: Schulz and Bulk Items
Schulz’s Organic Dairy The listeria and e-coli contamination in a batch of Schulz’s full cream milk with a 22nd August use-by has been terrible news for all involved; for everyone who has bought Schulz’s milk, for Simon Schulz and his staff and the organic dairy industry. We’re supplying Demeter milk this week and will be […]