The great revealing
Like the fires and the pandemic before it the aftermath of the flood reveals all kinds of truths about our climate, our governments, our communities and each other.
Finding form
This coming Saturday the 26th March join us at the CERES Harvest Day – celebrate CERES fortieth birthday and give thanks to the good Earth, our farmers and the cycle of the seasons.
Home for Harvest
Harvest is CERES’ Thanksgiving – we give thanks to the good Earth, the farmers, the bakers, the makers and the cooks but above all we do it by coming together to celebrate!
Unexpected harvest
When pistachio farmer Shane O’Dea returns my call, he explains he’s been tied-up in the neo-natal intensive care unit delivering a set of twins. Like many farmers, Shane has a city job that helps keep the farm going.
Growing farmers
Skilled organic farmers just don’t magically happen – they need land, training, resources and time to learn the discipline and intricate skills it takes to reliably grow and bring in a crop.
Electric Organic Grocery Delivery
CORENA*’s revolving fund works by providing interest-free loans to not-for-profit organisations to invest in things like solar panels, batteries and electric vehicles.
(*Citizens Own Renewable Energy Network Australia)